Accounting & Tax Consultancy Firm

CBIC reduces BCD on Frozen Duck Meat Imports, Sets Conditions for Reduced Duty

In  exercise  of the  powers  conferred  by  sub-section  (1)  of  section  25  of  the  Customs Act,  1962  (52  of  1962)  and  sub-section  (12)  of  section  3  of  the  Customs  Tariff  Act,  1975  (51  of  1975),  the Central  Government,  on  being  satisfied  that  it  is  necessary  in  the  public  interest  so  to  do,  hereby  makes  the following  further  amendments  in  the  notification  of  the  Government  of  India  in  the  Ministry  of  Finance (Department  of  Revenue),  No.  50/2017-Customs,  dated  the  30thJune,  2017,  published  in  the  Gazette  of  India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), videnumber G.S.R. 785(E), dated the 30thJune, 2017, namely:-

In the said notification

1)in the Table, after S. No. 3AA and the entries relating thereto, the following S. No. and entries shall be inserted, namely: -








0207 42 00; 0207 45 00

Meat and edible offal, of ducks, frozen




(2)in  the  Annexure,  after  condition  number  115  and  the  entries  relating  thereto,  the  following condition number and entries shall be inserted, namely: -





If, at the time of import,

 -(a)the  importer  furnishes  a  certificate  to  the  Deputy Commissioner  of Customs  or  the  Assistant  Commissioner  of  Customs,  as  the  case  may be,    from    the    designated    officer    in    terms    ofO.M.    No.    L-110109(3)/1/2016-Trade  (E-2625),  dated  22ndFebruary,  2024,  issued by  the  Department  of  Animal  Husbandry  and  Dairying,  that  the imported goods are meat and edible offal, of ducks, frozen (other than backs  of  ducks,  frozen),  satisfying  the  parameters  specified  in  the Annex to the said O.M.; and

(b)the importer furnishes to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, -i.a  certificate  from  an  officer  not  below  the  rank  of  a  Deputy Secretary  to  the  Government  of  India  in  the  Ministry  of Tourism  recommending  that  the  importer  is  a  3-Star  and above operational hotel as per notification issued by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, as amended, or ii.a  valid  restricted  import  authorisation  issued  under  DGFT notification   No.   66/2023,   dated   06thMarch,   2024,   as amended”;





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