Standardized Documentary & Information Requirements for AD Code Registration/Modification in Relation to Exports

The CBIC issued Instruction No. 25/2023-Customs dated July 28, 2023, which aims to standardize documentary and information requirements for AD Code Registration/modification in relation to exports.
Reference is invited to Circular No. 32/2020-Customs dated July 06, 2020 inter-alia relating to facility of online registration of Authorised Dealer (AD) Code on ICEGATE. The facility of online AD registration was further simplified by making AD code registered at one port automatically applicable at all customs locations (vide DG Systems Advisory No. 10/2022 dated June 14, 2022). Further, with respect to bank account registration for IGST refund /Drawback purpose, option is available in ICEGATE portal for applying registration of bank account for every port where exporter intends to transact.
The Board is in receipt of grievances relating to delays in the approval of AD code and in the bank account registration process. The issue has been examined in consultation with field formations and the Systems Directorate. There is a need to minimize and standardize documentary requirements (as well as information necessary to be contained therein), across all the Customs Zones. It is also noted that, the bank account for IFSC is validated by PFMS before the disbursal of an amount.
Accordingly, it has been decided that henceforth the field formation may place reliance on only the following two documents uploaded (using digital signature) on e-Sanchit for purposes of approval of AD code/ bank account registration,-
(a) Bank's Authorization Letter incorporating the following details –
(i) Name of the exporter & exporter address
(ii) IEC No. issued by DGFT to the said exporter
(iii) PAN associated with said IEC No.
(iv) Bank account number associated with said IEC No.
(v) Name of the holder of said Bank account No.
(vi) Confirmation by the Bank, that PAN linked with the said Bank account is same as the PAN linked with said IEC No.
(vii) Bank AD Code / IFSC Code, as the case may be
(viii) Name, address, contact details and official e-mail ID of the Bank branch where the said Bank account No. is held; and
(b) Copy of a cancelled cheque related to said Bank account No. (or latest bank statement of the said Bank account endorsed by the Bank).
With this specification the need for physical interactions with members of the trade or their representatives should not arise, hence Zonal Chief Commissioners may ensure no room for grievance on this count. It is also directed to put in place a suitable mechanism to ensure that application for AD code/ bank account registration is dealt on the same day when made before 2 PM. In other cases, the application should be disposed before 2 PM on next working day.
Issues faced in implementation may be brought to the notice of the Board.