Accounting & Tax Consultancy Firm

Last date for filing claim for Scrip based Schemes | DGFT

DGFT Trade Notice No. 22/2021-22 dated 02nd November, 2021


Last date for filing claim at the Online IT module for Scrip based Schemes – MEIS/SEIS/



In  September  2021,  Government  had  released  about  Rs  56.000  Crore  for  issue  of  duty 

credit scrip’s  under the  FTP Schemes.  Filing of online applications and subsequent issue of 

duty credit  scrip’s has also started.

In this regard, attention of the trade & industry is drawn to Notification no. 26 dated 16.09.2021, wherein  31st December  2021  has  been stipulated  as the revised  last date for  making online applications under MEIS/SEIS/  RoSL/RoSCTL  schemes. Exporters may kindly note that after 31.12.2021,  the Online IT system  will  not be operational  and no applications/claims under the mentioned  schemes can thereafter be submitted.  It has also been notified that the facility for filing applications,  with  a late cut  provision. would also not be available and all applications will get time barred after 31st December 2021.

   Trade  and  Industry  is  requested ‘to  take  note  and  ensure  that applications/ claims  are submitted Online within the stipulated timeline of 31.12.2021  for timely release/ issue of scrips by DGFT RAs.

Export Promotion Councils are also requested to give wide dissemination to this Trade Notice in  the  interest  of  exporting  community.  SEPC/FIEO and organizations with service exporters as their members may also approach their constituents  with a request to file their SEIS claims at an early date and in any case not later than 31.12.2021.

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Contact us for DGFT Digital Signature at  or  9137446553.

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January 3rd, 2022
